Kerem Akillioglu


Kerem completed his high school education at Ann Arbor Public Schools in Michigan. He graduated from Yeditepe University, School of Fine Arts in Istanbul, holding a degree in graphic design. Additionally, he earned a master's in Digital Design from Billy College of Design in Sydney, Australia.

Upon completing his studies, he spent several years traveling and working internationally in creative roles within the film and entertainment industries in Australia and the United States.

In 2012, Kerem relocated to Bucharest where he served as Creative Director at a major multinational production company for 10 years. In this role, he led the creative department and oversaw all visual design and creative direction for corporate and production projects.

He currently resides in Istanbul and works as Creative Director at LeadNBFI, running the creative division and bringing over 15 years of creative leadership experience. His expertise spans graphic design, print materials, branding, and visual storytelling/production.